The T.E.S.T. Team 303 competed on April 27th – 30th, 2016 in St. Louis, MO at the FIRST World Championship – Hopper Division. . No matter the final outcome, the team competed well. The 2016 game is called FIRST Stronghold. To earn points and win, teams cross various defenses and shoot small gray balls, called boulders, into a tower. For bonus points, robots can suspend themselves from the tower, or traverse 4 of the 5 defenses, two times each. After advancing to the elimination rounds, the team had a very successful weekend.

Finishing in 6th seed, The T.E.S.T. Team became captains, and formed their alliance with team 4085 and team 4587. The team didn’t win the event, but still advanced to quarterfinals. After facing off against team 4334, team 294, and team 2013, the team could not fight any longer. Despite their losses, the team still competed well.


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The T.E.S.T. Team 303 would like to thank:

Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Systems, Inc. / STS Tire & Auto Centers / DOD Stem & Picatinny / J&E Metal Fabricators / Huawei / Rotor Clip / 303 RAMP / ASCO / Yokogawa Electric

For more information, contact: Advisor, / Asst. Advisor,