A big thank you to all of our sponsors! Our success depends on the support of our generous sponsors. Scroll down to see our current sponsors, as well as our sponsor packages. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for Team 303, please fill out the following form:
Sponsor Benefits
Platinum Surveyor: $10,000+ Private demonstration/presentation from team; Buttons for team members to wear displaying sponsor logo; All Golden Opportunity Benefits
Golden Opportunity: $5,000-9,999 Sponsor name announced during competitions; Sponsor basket (T-shirt, premiums, thank you letter); All Silver Spirit Benefits
Silver Spirit: $1,000-4,999 Button Display (sponsor buttons); Name at end of team videos (used for awards, ceremonies, etc.); All Bronze Pathfinder Benefits
Bronze Pathfinder: $500-999 Sponsor logo with link to sponsor website on team website; Acknowledgement through display on robot; Name on pamphlet; All Copper Curiosity Benefits
Copper Curiosity: $1-499 “Thank you” poster/team photo; Invitation to team events