On February 26, 2019, Team 303 attended a local science fair at Hillside Intermediate School. After the students held their own booths, the team gave a presentation about themselves. Specifically, they talked about FTC, the different subteams in build and TD, spirit, competitions, and the team’s build season.Tthey also demonstrated our FTC robot and discussed the building process. Their presentation was meant to appeal to students in fifth and sixth grade.
Team 303’s goal was to inspire young people in our community to be involved and take interest in STEAM. Through interactive presentations, they also encouraged the audience to explore new opportunities. Students and parents can get to know the team so they will feel motivated to join when they come to the high school. Additionally, Team 303 invited the students to the Bridgewater District Event so they can watch the bigger FRC robots.
Most importantly, they made sure to put an emphasis on gracious professionalism and spirit! To show team spirit Team 303 passed out premiums to the students and parents. This included new buttons, wristbands, and stationery. They have decorated their robot with the team colors and logo. Although the students never got to personally drive the robot, they were encouraged to ask questions about the team. Team members described the process of building their robot. Team 303 did these things to personalize the experience and show the students that the team is not just about the robot but the attitude.